Laparoscopy ,Sai Dham Mumbai

DR. DEEPTI ASATI, one of the best gynecologist in Sai Dham, Mumbai Country, Mumbai, has extensive expertise in performing laparoscopy. She has immense knowledge and over 14 years of experience. Her patients have established a sense of trust and confidence in her because of her in-depth expertise and caring demeanor.

Continue reading to know more about laparoscopy.

What is laparoscopy, and how does it work?

It is a type of surgery that looks for problems in the abdomen or the reproductive system. In laparoscopic surgery, a thin tube called a laparoscope is utilized. Through a small incision, it is put into the abdomen. A camera is mounted to the tube. 

Images from the camera are displayed on a video monitor. This allows a surgeon to view the body without giving the patient any discomfort. Laparoscopy is also known as minimally invasive surgery. Compared to open surgery, it needs shorter hospital stays, faster recovery, less pain, and fewer scars.

In women, it can be used to diagnose and/or treat:

  • Blocked Fallopian tubes and opening of the tubes.
  • Chronic pelvic pain
  • Cysts in the ovaries.
  • Fibroids.
  • Endometriosis.
  • Pelvic prolapse.
  • It can also be used to:
  • Perform hysterectomy.
  • Eliminate ectopic pregnancy.
  • Perform tubal ligation.
  • Treat urinary incontinence.

When a physical exam and imaging tests, such as X-rays or ultrasounds, do not provide enough information to diagnose, Dr. Shweta Shah, one of the best gynecologist doctor in Mumbai, utilizes laparoscopy.

When is laparoscopy needed?

If you have any of the following symptoms, you may need a laparoscopy:

  • Severe and/or chronic abdominal or pelvic region discomfort.
  • Abdominal lump.
  • Some cancers can be eliminated using laparoscopic surgery.
  • Heavy menstruation.
  • Need for a surgical method of birth control.
  • Problems in conceiving.
  • A laparoscopy can be performed to look for fallopian tube obstructions and other problems that can affect fertility.

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